Spanish translations by TridIndia – A resource for all English to Spanish translations

TridIndia is a b2b translation company located in New Delhi, India. This company has been providing high-grade translations to clients who require English to Spanish translations for more than 12 years now. TridIndia is supported by a team of highly qualified Spanish translators, project managers, proofreaders with proficiency in Spanish language and translations. It specializes in Spanish language which is a native language of millions of people all over the world, covering most parts of USA. A good part about TridIndia’s Spanish translations is the customized and overall attention it provides to its clients. They are passionate about their quality of translation services and are prompt in their services. For instance, you will notice their swift response in responding to your queries.

 If you are willing to expand your business in Spanish speaking markets, TridIndia shows high degree of commitment and respect for your marketing strategy and helps you to reach your prospective customers.  

Specialized Spanish translators

Spanish translators provided by TridIndia are selected carefully depending on the type of assignment and the expertise of translators. They are trained in specialized fields and possess advanced degrees in the concerned subject for example, if you need Spanish translations related to oil and gas, TridIndia will allocate the assignment to its translators who are trained in the energy sector.  

Areas of Spanish language translation expertise provided by TridIndia

Oil and gas: drilling, instrumentation, exploration, construction, AutoCAD drawings, marketing brochures, micro station documents, service manuals, RFPs etc.
Medical/healthcare/hospitals: Product manuals, brochures, patient information, signs and disclaimer forms and other legal document translations
Websites : parts or whole website translations in Spanish
Government: procedure manuals, websites, communication brochures
Marketing and advertising : Marketing campaigns, banners,
Technical: brochures, manuals, directories, labels etc.
Business documents: business communications, documents, newsletters, emails, forms etc.
Human resources : training manuals, reports, employee manuals, general communications etc.